Political Engagement

Policy decisions of lawmakers and regulators at the federal, state, and local levels can significantly affect the business environment in which Ameren operates, especially because Ameren’s businesses are highly regulated. These decisions have impacts on our customers, communities, shareholders, and other stakeholders.

Ameren is proud to be recognized by the Center for Political Accountability as a "trendsetter" in the CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability

Political Contributions Policy

Ameren’s corporate political contributions are made without regard to the personal political preferences of Company officers and executives and in a manner that complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations. In addition, the Company will not knowingly contribute to candidates whose views and actions are inconsistent with Ameren’s corporate values. Our political contributions policy can be found here

Industry Groups and Trade Associations

Like most Fortune 500 companies, Ameren is a member of trade associations that may engage in political activity. The Audit and Risk Committee of Ameren’s Board of Directors reviews and oversees an annual audit of the Company’s political contributions and payments to trade associations that use a portion of the dues for lobbying activity. Ameren will semi-annually post on its investor website (https://www.amereninvestors.com) lists of corporate political contributions made in support of, or in opposition to, political candidates, parties, committees (including those that sponsor ballot initiatives) and 527 groups (such as governors’ associations) and, on an annual basis, the portion of dues or other payments to trade associations, including 501(c)(4) organizations, that are used for lobbying activities. 

  • Our Annual Financial Lobbying Report includes current and historical information disclosing the lobbying portion of trade association dues and 501(c)(4) organizations, as well as any contributions to independent political expenditures,527 groups, and super PACs. 

Employee-Sponsored Political Action Committees

Ameren has separate policies governing contributions made to any employee-sponsored political action committees (PACs). Ameren maintains three employee sponsored PACs. The PACs' filings, which provide detailed information regarding their contributions and other financial information, are publicly available, consistent with applicable state and federal laws and regulations, and can be found here:

2023 Year End Political Contributions

2024 Mid-Year Political Contributions